Saturday, December 27, 2008

How The Camel Pole Vaulted Through The Eye of the Needle

Her long mascara'd eye lashes bent against the barrage of warnings.

"It's an industry where illusion is measured and quantified, rumor given
substance, dreamers attract talent and talent attracts sycophants."

But still she knew she wanted in.

Again their words pelted her like bullets raining from the sky.

"Creativity, time and money are needed and when you have enough of any two
the third is always sacrificed",

and all she thought was oh goody, a never ending test to redefine one's
skills on a project by project basis.

"It's a people business".

"It's all about the money."

But she realized there was room for both.

And didn't she know of the impossible odds? Gamblers wouldn't take such a bet.

One day the planets aligned, the Gods were with her. She'd prepared for this
moment by working on her craft, listening and learning and when the eye of the
needle blinked open, she umped.

Once inside her mascara'd eye lashes never closed, for it wasn't a good idea.

She saw two camps: those who conduct themselves like this is a business and those
who live up to its hype.

She waded through the dreamers from the dreamers and doers.

It was a messy confluence of many points of view where willingness and skill
were needed to embrace an idea that took hers to a new level.

She saw some justifying their ow positions and existence, often unsure of themselves
yet loudly taking a stand.

In this arena people driven by the courage of their talent and dreams or the greed
in their hearts work side by side, boundaries in flux as ethics and opportunities
collide to create a vibrant, electric atmosphere wielding the power to move people,
for better or worse.

Did she have the inner strength to let others have their due even when it wasn't theirs?
Be wiling to search patiently for those who seek entertainment, sometimes with meaning?

She was sure and understood that first you show up and try to get in, then find a way to
stay in, and finally to take what judgments befall you, with grace or not.

She looked back at her detractors with a smile.

"If I had wanted a regular life I would have followed my sister into mortgage banking, but she
only has one hump and I have two

"After all," she said puffing out her chest, "This is Hollywood."

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